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tord is a mexican engine that was taken to the museum in london and then to the island of sodor to work. oc made by 350 engine studios an model by conductor 192


jacob but cooler


Joseph is a very honest red engine who works on the peel godred branch line, he is somewhat fearful and insecure


the unluncky bastard

vieja puta.png

Mary is a cheerful and cheeky little black engine who helps the engines up Gordon's Hill


Alan is a LNER mix traffic engine who came to the island to work on Edward's branch line with freight trains.


Garry is a garrat type engine, he is big and strong but don't think he is someone rude, he is like my version of Gator lol you can make whatever stories you want with him, he only came to the island to be a banked engine


After Wilbert's visit, the fat controller wanted a engine just like Wilbert, he got one but he was scammed and a similar locomotive arrived but brought from Buenos Aires, Argentina
argentina?  Argentina not exist

Shining Time Works 3D

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